36 research outputs found

    EXCEED-DM: Extended Calculation of Electronic Excitations for Direct Detection of Dark Matter

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    Direct detection experiments utilizing electronic excitations are spearheading the search for light, sub-GeV, dark matter (DM). It is thus crucial to have accurate predictions for any DM-electron interaction rate in this regime. EXCEED-DM (EXtended Calculation of Electronic Excitations for Direct detection of Dark Matter) computes DM-electron interaction rates with inputs from a variety of ab initio electronic structure calculations. The purpose of this manuscript is two-fold: to familiarize the user with the formalism and inputs of EXCEED-DM, and perform novel calculations to showcase what EXCEED-DM is capable of. We perform four calculations which extend previous results: the scattering rate in the dark photon model, screened with the numerically computed dielectric function, the scattering rate with an interaction potential dependent on the electron velocity, an extended absorption calculation for scalar, pseudoscalar, and vector DM, and the annual modulation of the scattering rate in the dark photon model.Comment: 48 pages, 7 figure

    Observability of Dark Matter Substructure with Pulsar Timing Correlations

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    Dark matter substructure on small scales is currently weakly constrained, and its study may shed light on the nature of the dark matter. In this work we study the gravitational effects of dark matter substructure on measured pulsar phases in pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). Due to the stability of pulse phases observed over several years, dark matter substructure around the Earth-pulsar system can imprint discernible signatures in gravitational Doppler and Shapiro delays. We compute pulsar phase correlations induced by general dark matter substructure, and project constraints for a few models such as monochromatic primordial black holes (PBHs), and Cold Dark Matter (CDM)-like NFW subhalos. This work extends our previous analysis, which focused on static or single transiting events, to a stochastic analysis of multiple transiting events. We find that stochastic correlations, in a PTA similar to the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), are uniquely powerful to constrain subhalos as light as 1013 M\sim 10^{-13}~M_\odot, with concentrations as low as that predicted by standard CDM.Comment: 45 pages, 12 figure

    Absorption of Vector Dark Matter Beyond Kinetic Mixing

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    Massive vector particles are minimal dark matter candidates that motivate a wide range of laboratory searches, primarily exploiting a postulated kinetic mixing with the photon. However, depending on the high energy field content, the dominant vector dark matter (VDM) coupling to visible particles may arise at higher operator dimension, motivating efforts to predict direct detection rates for more general interactions. Here we present the first calculation of VDM absorption through its coupling to electron electric (EDM) or magnetic (MDM) dipole moments, which can be realized in minimal extensions to the Standard Model and yield the observed abundance through a variety of mechanisms across the eV\,-\,MeV mass range. We compute the absorption rate of the MDM and EDM models for a general target, and then derive direct detection constraints from targets currently in use: Si and Ge crystals and Xe and Ar atoms. We find that current experiments are already sensitive to VDM parameter space corresponding to a cosmological freeze-in scenario, and future experiments will be able to completely exclude MDM and EDM freeze-in models with reheat temperatures below the electroweak scale. Additionally, we find that while constraints on the MDM interaction can be related to constraints on axion-like particles, the same is not true for the EDM model, so the latter absorption rate must be computed from first principles. To achieve this, we update the publicly available program EXCEED-DM to perform these new calculations.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures; v2: updated to match published versio

    Detectability of Axion Dark Matter with Phonon Polaritons and Magnons

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    Collective excitations in condensed matter systems, such as phonons and magnons, have recently been proposed as novel detection channels for light dark matter. We show that excitation of i) optical phonon polaritons in polar materials in an O{\mathcal O}(1 T) magnetic field (via the axion-photon coupling), and ii) gapped magnons in magnetically ordered materials (via the axion wind coupling to the electron spin), can cover the difficult-to-reach O{\mathcal O}(1-100) meV mass window of QCD axion dark matter with less than a kilogram-year exposure. Finding materials with a large number of optical phonon or magnon modes that can couple to the axion field is crucial, suggesting a program to search for a range of materials with different resonant energies and excitation selection rules; we outline the rules and discuss a few candidate targets, leaving a more exhaustive search for future work. Ongoing development of single photon, phonon and magnon detectors will provide the key for experimentally realizing the ideas presented here.Comment: 35 pages, 5 figure

    Pulsar Timing Probes of Primordial Black Holes and Subhalos

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    Pulsars act as accurate clocks, sensitive to gravitational redshift and acceleration induced by transiting clumps of matter. We study the sensitivity of pulsar timing arrays (PTAs) to single transiting compact objects, focusing on primordial black holes and compact subhalos in the mass range from 1012M10^{-12} M _{\odot} to well above 100 M100~M_\odot. We find that the Square Kilometer Array can constrain such objects to be a subdominant component of the dark matter over this entire mass range, with sensitivity to a dark matter sub-component reaching the sub-percent level over significant parts of this range. We also find that PTAs offer an opportunity to probe substantially less dense objects than lensing because of the large effective radius over which such objects can be observed, and we quantify the subhalo concentration parameters which can be constrained.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Detecting Light Dark Matter with Magnons

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    Scattering of light dark matter with sub-eV energy deposition can be detected with collective excitations in condensed matter systems. When dark matter has spin-independent couplings to atoms or ions, it has been shown to efficiently excite phonons. Here we show that, if dark matter couples to the electron spin, magnon excitations in materials with magnetic dipole order offer a promising detection path. We derive general formulae for single magnon excitation rates from dark matter scattering, and demonstrate as a proof of principle the projected reach of a yttrium iron garnet target for several dark matter models with spin-dependent interactions. This highlights the complementarity of various collective excitations in probing different dark matter interactions

    Observability of dark matter substructure with pulsar timing correlations

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    Dark matter substructure on small scales is currently weakly constrained, and its study may shed light on the nature of the dark matter. In this work we study the gravitational effects of dark matter substructure on measured pulsar phases in pulsar timing arrays (PTAs). Due to the stability of pulse phases observed over several years, dark matter substructure around the Earth-pulsar system can imprint discernible signatures in gravitational Doppler and Shapiro delays. We compute pulsar phase correlations induced by general dark matter substructure, and project constraints for a few models such as monochromatic primordial black holes (PBHs), and Cold Dark Matter (CDM)-like NFW subhalos. This work extends our previous analysis, which focused on static or single transiting events, to a stochastic analysis of multiple transiting events. We find that stochastic correlations, in a PTA similar to the Square Kilometer Array (SKA), are uniquely powerful to constrain subhalos as light as ~ 10⁻¹³ M⊙, with concentrations as low as that predicted by standard CDM

    Effective Field Theory of Dark Matter Direct Detection With Collective Excitations

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    We develop a framework for computing light dark matter direct detection rates through single phonon and magnon excitations via general effective operators. Our work generalizes previous calculations focused on spin-independent interactions involving the total nucleon and electron numbers NN (the usual route to excite phonons) and spin-dependent interactions involving the total electron spin SS (the usual route to excite magnons), leading us to identify new responses involving the orbital angular momenta LL, as well as spin-orbit couplings LSL\otimes S in the target. All four types of responses can excite phonons, while couplings to electron's SS and LL can also excite magnons. We apply the effective field theory approach to a set of well-motivated relativistic benchmark models, including (pseudo-)scalar mediated interactions, and models where dark matter interacts via a multipole moment, such as a dark electric dipole, magnetic dipole or anapole moment. We find that couplings to point-like degrees of freedom NN and SS often dominate dark matter detection rates, implying that exotic materials with orbital LL order or large spin-orbit couplings LSL\otimes S are not necessary to have strong reach to a broad class of DM models. We also highlight that phonon based crystal experiments in active R&D (such as SPICE) will probe light dark matter models well beyond those having a simple spin-independent interaction, including e.g. models with dipole and anapole interactions